Goodbye 16. It's been a few days since my birthday passed, specifically 4, but I've been trying to gather myself before I made any posts. So, to 16:
You treated me poorly. Showed me what it was like to struggle in its truest form. What it meant to feel as if your head was under water, and there was no way to die. That constant feeling of discomfort stuck with this whole year. Leaving me in a chokehold and with no strive for life. To 16, fuck you. But at the same time, thank you. I wouldn't be the person I am right now if it weren't for the struggle and strife I endured. Am I saying I wished for this to happen to me? No. But I am saying that if I were to have the option of choosing an easier life, I would choose this one every time. I learned that I am so so much stronger than I give myself credit for. I have been fighting for so long and I am still here kicking and working to grow myself. I want to live, and I'm finally also at peace with myself and life. Along the way, I found such an amazing support system and made so many new friends that I will cherish until we part paths into other chapters of our lives. 16 showed me up. They had an advantage, but I kicked their ass. I'm so proud of what I've accomplished. Even if there isn't much to show in comparison to my past, the knowledge I gained from this past year surmounts the years and years of knowledge from my past. Life has shown me one thing. You are so worth it. You are worth fighting for. You are worth being heard. You are worth working on yourself.
To 17. To new experiences. To exciting new adventures. I am so excited for what you hold for me and the opportunities and obstacles I will face.
Until next time,
a hopeful stranger